Monday, March 4, 2013

Technology and Grandparenting

It's really cool to be a grandparent today. All our grandchildren have moved away. It's sad to not be able to drop by on a Saturday or Sunday to hold the babies or hug the toddlers or talk to the elementary school children about sports or their days. They love to meet us at McDonald's or Chick Fil A. And now we are sitting here on a Monday night with just the two of us. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and love to spend time with him. But I've  been missing the babies lately.

So here come some photos on Facebook from the Texas kids. They were at a rodeo, but the petting zoo had the girls in tears and the boy upset because the goat tried to eat his shirt. . . Twice.

The family in Boise sent some new photos to my digital frame. They rotate through regularly so that walking through the living room I get surprised by a new shot of them having an indoor picnic on the family room floor.

Then I get a FaceTime call from the four-year-old in Arizona. He can call me by himself. He wanted to tell me he made 9 goals in soccer and show me his trophy. He can't really hold the phone steady, so I feel a little seasick after the call, but he's a good talker.

And then a good son-in-law just emailed me a short video clip of his four oldest doing their after-home-evening activity: dancing to the Wii (she don't know she's beautiful). The oldest boy said, "I'm ahead." His sister replied, "Not for long." And in the flash when the camera caught her in the background, we could see our daughter dancing the moves without the controllers.

Even just a few years ago, family moving away would mean letters that take time and photos that are almost outdated before they arrived. It's sad not to be able to see our family more regularly, but I am so glad to live today when I can "see" them in other ways and share their lives more than the distance might seem to allow.

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